Interpreters provide the bridge for language barriers to be crossed.
Fact: In order to interact with any person, one must have proper common ground.
Fact: People need social interaction to fully be a part of society.
Fiction: It is difficult to connect with someone of a different language origin.
Even if you don’t believe these to be true, it is still a fascinating concept to think about. Relating this to the world of interpreting and translating, it is safe to say that the role that interpreters provide in society would be similar to the role a bridge provides. Both connect two separate areas (The bridge connecting land mass, while the interpreter connects two separate languages)
There would be no possible way to consider unifying all languages into one. There is simply too much culture and barriers in the way to do this. Also, this seems drastic and extremely unreasonable. This is where an interpreter comes into play. The interpreter allows whoever may be crossing their bridge (whatever language that may be) to effortlessly be able to access the other side of things, helping find the ultimate goal: understanding.
Due to the varying differences of language, the interpreter’s bridge would have many rises and falls, mixed in with some parts that open up and split apart. However, this bridge would be the most elegant and sturdy that could ever exist. This is due to the fact that this world has been formed and shaped based on the varying languages we as a people have.
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