During the holiday, we saw an inspiring movie, Dancing Across Borders, about a young Cambodian dancer who came to the United States at the age 18 to learn classic ballet. We cannot help but notice that he found comfort through a Cambodian interpreter and a Cambodian family that the interpreter introduced to him. This reminds us again of the importance of interpreters assisting in communication.
The story below is shared by Ringo Li who came to this country as a young immigrant.
Imagine that you just arrived in a new country and you do not understand its official language very well. The excitement and apprehension you feel are equally intense. For many international and immigrant students, this is an experience they have gone through at least once in their lifetimes.
As the number of foreign or immigrant student increases in public schools, professional translators and interpreters are oftentimes required to assist the newcomers. While the demand for language services increases, the language services in California’s schools and districts lack consistent standards and guidelines. In some cases, these departments are not ready to serve the students and the families who speak different languages.
What Is The Cure?
According to the quality indicators released by the California Department of Education, some attributes a quality interpreter should possess include:
-The interpreter should have extensive understanding in both languages
-The interpreter should convey the messages clearly and accurately.
-The interpreter should be experienced in the fields of his or her qualifications
Why Is This Important?
Without clear and accurate communication, foreign or immigrant students may not be able to voice their concerns and opinions. This lack of clear communication may lead to cultural misunderstanding or even conflicts on campus. Unquestionably, quality translation and interpretation services are the key to quality communication. In the end, a more harmonious education environment can cultivate better citizens, and a more beautiful world will no longer be a dream. The power of language is greater than we think.
Monterey Language Services strives to provide the highest quality of translation and interpretation services. Please feel free to contact us for more information.