The next blog will mark our 100th post. A special celebration is coming up, so stay tuned!
In this blog post, we would like to introduce an amusing fact: as neutral as numbers look, there is in fact significant and enriching information embed in them. Take the number “100” for example:
Arabic: ١٠٠ (Does this look familiar?)
Bengali: ১০০
Chinese: 佰,百
Greek: ρʹ
These are just a few examples. The truth is, the number “100” is no longer a number. Many cultures see “100” as a completion, as Arabic numbers suggest. The numeral “0” is a full circle in shape, and from both symbolic and meaning perspectives, the word “one hundred” suggests a completion, a milestone, or an achievement. For instance, in French, one hundred is “cent,” which is the prefix for “century” and “centennial” in English.
Language is a living thing. The more people interact, the more flexible language becomes. With speedy communication and instant information, it is very easy to take language for granted. That is not what we do at Monterey Language Services! We are passionate about language and appreciate language. We express the passion and appreciation through our work and our blog. Wow, 100 blog posts that’s incredible!